*NEW* Vaccine Facts & Resources

Welcome to the Vaccine Facts and Resources Page!  Think childhood vaccines are safe?  Get the FACTS and decide for yourself!

Watch  a clip from this incredibly informing video at:  http://www.childhoodshots.com/Are-Vaccines-Safe-2-Disk-DVD-Set-p/01.htm

Resources and Links:
  1. Hope For Autism (HFA) and the The American Chiropractic Autism Board (ACAB)http://www.hopeforautism.us 
  2. Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccineshttp://www.momvaccines.org/
  3. National Vaccine Information Center  http://www.nvic.org/
  4. Global Vaccine Institute  http://www.thinktwice.com/
  5. Autism & Information for Parents  http://www.mygreatkid.com/
  6. Vaccine Resource Guide  http://www.naturalfamilyonline.com/
  7. PAVE - People Advocating Vaccine Education  http://www.vaccineeducation.org/
  8. Autism Action Billboards and State Exemptions  www.vaccinetruth.com/
  9. Canada Vaccine Risk Awareness Group  http://www.vran.org/
  10. Vaccine Information and Awareness  http://www.vaccineawareness.org/
    Australia Vaccine Org  www.avn.org.au
  11. Watchdog Group - Citizens Commission on Human Rights International  http://www.cchrint.org/ 
  12. Vaccine Information Site (In Spanish)  http://www.vacunacionlibre.org/
  13. Gardasil Vaccine Research  http://www.truthaboutgardasil.org/

  1. World Association for Vaccine Education (WAVE)  www.novaccine.com
  2. Autism Research Institute  http://www.autism.com/
  3. American Chiropractic Autism Board  http://www.hopeforautism.us/
  4. Critical Thinking for a Critical Dilemma: a Site for Physicians  http://www.imcv.info/
  5. Former FDA Employee Dr. John Martin's "Stealth Virus"  http://www.ccid.org/
  6. Vaccines & the Mercury Content  www.vaccinesafety.edu/thi-table.htm
  7. Anthrax Vaccine Information  www.noanthraxvaccine.net/
  8. Complete Vaccine Ingredient List  www.novaccine.com/vaccine-ingredients/
  9. Congressional Hearings - Autism and Vaccines www.ctvia.org/index.cfm?folder=149.com
  10. Vaccine Package Inserts  www.ctvia.org/index.cfm?folder=154
  11. Flawed Medical Studies Referrenced in Autism www.14studies.org/studies.html

  1. Health Truth Revealed - Education About Toxic Vaccines Sweeping the Nationwww.healthtruthrevealed.com/articles/1317427903/article
  2. Health Truth Revealed - Autism: To Vaccinate or Not Vaccinatewww.healthtruthrevealed.com/full-page.php?id=15345833311&&page=article
  3. Health Truth Revealed - Flu Shot Dangers Far Outweigh Benefitswww.healthtruthrevealed.com/full-page.php?id=13100635512&&page=article
  4. News With Views - A Letter of Thanks from Producer of "Are Vaccines Safe?www.healthtruthrevealed.com/full-page.php?id=1546325102&&page=article
  5. News With Views Publications www.newswithviews.com/tocco/marya.htm
  6. Philip F. Incao, M.D. - The Paradigm Shift in Medicing and Sciencewww.vran.org/vaccines/doctors/incao.htm
  7. F. E. Yazbak, M.D. - The Infant Mortality Rate: An Index of a Nation's Health www.vran.org/vaccines/doctors/yazbak-article.htm
  8. Polio Vaccine Geonicide in Ugandawww.whale.to/a/nkuba.htm
  9. The Risk of Diabetes After Vaccineswww.vaccines.net/risks.htm
  10. Hemophilus Vaccine Study in Finland - Vaccines Diabeteswww.vaccines.net/newpage16.htm
  11. Children and the Flu Vaccine = More Hospitalizationwww.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/05/090519172045.htm
  12. The Great Gardasil Vaccine Cover-upwww.renewamerica.com/columns/janak/070227
  13. The Medical Time Bomb of Immunizationswww.whale.to/vaccines/mendelsohn.html
  14. H1N1 Vaccines and Pregnancyhttp://www.organichealthadvisor.com/

  1. Vaccines: Health Professionals Speak Outhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctP8NnDhdn8
  2. Andrew Wakefield, M.D. - "In His Own Words"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Drq8zvT-HVc
  3. Swine Flu Action Plan - Mary Tocco and Renee Tocco, D.C.www.vimeo.com/6423968
Health Information

  1. The Crusador Magazinewww.healthtruthrevealed.com/
  2. Military Vaccine Resource Directoryhttp://www.mvrd.org/
  3. Anthrax Vaccine - Fast Factswww.mvrd.org/showpage.cfm?id=3
  4. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Systemhttp://www.vaers.hhs.gov/

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